We are now playing the waiting game! Up to this point...
Brandon was finished with all of his mission papers within just days of receiving them from the Bishop. Once he realized he didn't make the "walk-on try outs" at SNOW college, he said, "Okay, I'm ready! Let's move forward! I'll leave for my mission ASAP!" He had set up an appointment and met that next Sunday with the Bishop. He had already been ordained an Elder. He had been attending Missionary Prep classes and was very excited about his mission. The only thing left after that first week was his wisdom teeth. Well, thanks to Dr. James Morgan, Brandon is wisdom tooth free, and ready to go!
Where to?
Dr. Nelson (ACL Surgeon)- Dr. Nelson has been saying all along that he was performing Brandon's surgery for things greater than basketball. For several years our family had all sacrificed our time, and many times meager income for the building up of "the Brandon"! It was a smart investment- scholarship worthy and more...a really good boy's dream come true. Though, at that point in Brandon's life, we couldn't understand the reason for such an injury and blow to all of Brandon's hopes and dreams, we knew and believed that Heavenly Father's will would be done. There was only one thing more important to Brandon at this point in his life; the gospel. He had put aside success in trumpet, friends, math, and many times his family. This wise surgeon said, "Brandon, you won't be ready to play ball, or any sports this (his Senior) year, but we will have you good and ready for the [things I, mom, call-"TTRM"]- things that really matter. Those things he told us were, "to be a hard working missionary and being a healthy, capable father." The Dr. could see beyond where we were- stuck in Senior year disappointment shock. I am grateful to him, for sharing his hope/vision for Brandon in such a sad time.
He was the one that made Brandon's first mission proposal. He is called to work at the MTC and works with young men all of the time. Almost a year after surgery, at Brandon's final check appointment/signing of mission health approval, he said something like this: "Well Brandon, I know where you are going! Do you want to know where you are going?" Brandon stayed propped up on the examination table, looked at him and smiled the way he does (not saying a word, of course) and kinda nodded his head in agreement. He said, "Brandon, You'll be called to the New Zealand Mission. The (something meaning clouds in the sky or something- city), New Zealand Mission." Brandon got up and walked toward him and the doctor grabbed his shoulder (Brandon being at least 6 inches taller). I kind of laughed, wondering if he was really serious or what! We all, including the surgeon assistant, just nodded and smiled. "We'll see!" we kinda said, and he said in reply, "Really!". Well, we'll see...
Any guesses??
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