Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Week 19- Letter #20

Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 3:30 PM Hola familia, Te llamo Michelle! Excelente! My pants are working out great! It actually says on the pants machine wash cold but I didn't see that... haha. About every week we sweep and mop. We don't have a vacuum though, or carpet. Normally no cleaner just water. The lady with the bread business did agree to pay tithing. I am not sure if the business picked up or not. We almost always walk. I think only one time we had a ride. haha. We got our gas fixed and so now we have a stove. We made pizza on Thursday and it turned out awesome. I normally eat cereal though. I also bought Nutella and crackers for another option. I haven't received the package yet but I think it will receive it in like a week or two. Thanks for the package. Yeah the change of companions was only for a day. I am still with Elder Camarillo but we change permanently on Monday. Well for a person like you described I would start with the restoration and work through the other lessons, meanwhile giving her commitments that will help her personally. M and V are not married. This is the thing that we are waiting for. After they are married they can be baptized. We are hoping that they will begin to have a desire to be married. They have a 3 year old and a 1and a half year old. Yeah the bed that I have my feet just dangle off the edge. Tuesday we had a lesson with M and V. We talked about the Commandments, and lesson 3 the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They took it pretty well and understood it pretty well. Wednesday we had an appointment with M and V too but they had to go. So instead we went to a part of our area and contacted. On Thursday we went with some less actives and some recent converts and shared some scriptures and made pizza. On Friday we talked with our Bishop about what we could do to better the ward. We also found 2 new investigators. One of them plays the saxophone for work and travels to USA for every weekend to play. Saturday we went and did some service for someone in the ward by mopping and sweeping a house. We also went and talked with a recent convert. Its weird to think that this is the last week with this companion but we will see how it goes with the other one. Adios, Elder Corbin

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